walls design

30 Amazing wall design ideas you can use for inspiration

Wherever one may live, they are sooner or later confronted by walls. Some may find peace in muted walls; some want their walls to be loud and make some noise. If you are bored of dull and bland walls and want to refresh your space, here are 30 amazing wall design ideas that can help you boost and refresh your décor by adding up to the walls 

Create a picture gallery wall 

Walk down a memory lane, quite literally, by creating a gallery wall by adding photos of your family, or create an art gallery by displaying your artwork or paintings. For a more chic look, use frames of different sizes and styles to make an empty wall look vibrant and lively. 

Use a hanging fabric

Hanging wall fabric not only adds a beautiful texture to the wall but is one of the easiest, instant and budget-friendly wall art.

Hang elegant mirrors

Hanging mirrors is an easy way to fill up the wall and get an instant wall décor. To give a more comprehensive look, place a small couch or any other piece of furniture underneath the mirror.

Freehand murals

Freehand paint on the wall is one of the most exciting wall décors. Use vibrant colors and hand-painted on the wall with your imagination.

Large scale abstract art

Large and wide frames to create abstract art is a good idea for your lounge wall. Abstract art helps in filling the space and makes the wall look artistic

Wall graffiti 

Graffiti walls help you add color and excitement to your room. It gives an instant vibrant touch to your wall. This idea can serve as extravagant décor for your room

Mount Candle sconces

Candle sconces are great wall hangings that give glamour to your décor with a festive look. Candle sconces are available in different styles and designs, and they go best on the lounge wall

Use hanging plants

Hang indoor plants on the wall to refresh your space by adding greenery to your room. Faux plants are a good idea for this purpose as they are maintenance-free.

Paste removable wallpaper

Pasting wallpaper is one of the newest and easiest ways to cover an empty wall. Wallpapers of different patterns, designs and colors are available, which can instantly enhance the look of your room

Make a stone wall

Stone walls can be used in your lounge, room and kitchen to bring warmth and tranquility to your room. Adding small lights/lamps will enhance the look and make the wall stand out more.

Fairy lights

Hang fairy lights on the wall to light. This gives your space a very warm look. Add your photos with the hanging lights and make your wall look elegant and beautiful in no time.

Textured or 3D wall

Textured or 3D walls are a great way to transform your room’s look. 3D wall panels are very eye-catching and serve as an excellent background for your TV or sofa background

Hang rugs

Rugs cannot only be used on the floor; instead, hanging them on the wall is one way of giving your room a very warm look instantly with beautiful colors. 

Wall sculptures 

Wall sculptures look very artistic and make a space look complete. If the sculptures are of metal or wood, they make the wall unique

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